
Image icon resize
Image icon resize

image icon resize

Replace Images: Drag Image Files over the Image Preview to replace the Image.Learn more in our Upload Images as Fills article. If you already have an image added, this will replace the existing Image with the new one. Upload images from your computer: Hover over the preview so that the Choose Image button appears.From here, you can perform some extra actions: The Fill menu allows you to see a preview of the Image. Click X in the top-right corner of the Image options menu to close and return to the canvas.Click the rotate icon to rotate the Fill 90º clockwise.Click the image thumbnail in the Properties Panel to open the Image options menu:.The rotate icon allows you to rotate the Fill clockwise at 90º increments. This won't affect the orientation of the object itself, just the Fill within it. You can use the Image options menu to rotate the Fill within an object. When we resize the object, Figma scales our Image to ensure it fills the entire object. In the example below, our Image is set to Fill. Or, click and drag the blue handles in the canvas to adjust the scale. You can enter a percentage in the field provided. We base this on a percentage of the image's original dimensions. You can adjust the size of the tile using the percentage value. Tile creates a repeated pattern of the original image, which fills the entire object.This is a non-destructive action that works like a mask. Depending on the shape of the object, the Image may not completely fill the object.Ĭrop allows you to adjust the boundary lines of your image. This allows you to control which part of the image you can see.

image icon resize

This ensures no part of the image hidden, even when you resize the object. Fit ensures the entire image is visible within the object it fills.This ensures the shape is completely filled. If the image and the object are different shapes, we may clip the Image. Fill will position and scale the Image so that it takes up the entire object it's applied to.We keep the selected Fill mode, even as you scale or manipulate the object. This takes into account the dimensions of both the image and the object you're adding it to.

image icon resize

There are four different modes that decide how Figma will apply a Fill to your object.

  • Blend Mode ( Create unique effects with Blend modes).
  • You can also click the image thumbnail in the Properties Panel to access more image settings. This allows you to adjust the following: Click the Style icon (four dot square) to view, apply or create Styles.
  • Create Color Styles from Images, solid colors and gradients.
  • Add new Fill layers by clicking the icon.
  • Remove the image from the object by clicking the icon.
  • Toggle visibility of that Image by clicking the eye icon.
  • We represent this as a percentage value (%).
  • Adjust the Opacity of the Image using the field provided.
  • Click the thumbnail to open the Fill menu.
  • A static Image will be an "Image" in the Fill section.
  • You can access the Image Properties from the Fill section of the Properties Panel. Users with Edit access to a File can edit image properties

    Image icon resize